Scenario #1: You've changed product feeds throughout the lifetime of your Candid collection and are now starting to see duplicate product Product Tags in the 'Map To' type-ahead and would like to clean things up so that only the latest products included in your latest feed are available for mapping.

Solution: This can be easily remedied by our support team executing a script that consolidates your mapping tags and removes any obsolete entries ones that are no longer in use. Media already mapped is paired with "active products" included in your new feed. If a match is found, the media is remapped to the new Product Tag and the old one is discarded. This operation executes in seconds and is completely transparent for end-users accessing your social displays.

Scenario #2: You have a bunch of Product or Placement Tags and aren't sure which ones are actively used by published/approved media.

Solution: Also a common scenario, our support team can run a script here to remove any unused Mapping Tags in bulk.

Scenario #3: You've cloned your collection for a separate country and need to update the product URLs in bulk to reference a new domain.

Solution: Also a common scenario, our support team can run a script here to update Mapping Tags in bulk.